Labradorite Viking Carving
Labradorite Viking Carving
This beautifully carved Labradorite would make a perfect gift or a great addition to an altar!
Approx: 5cm x 3cm x 8mm
About Labradorite
Labradorite is a bringer of light - it raises consciousness and connects with universal energies whilst also being highly mystical and protective.
Labradorite is stunning when moved around to see the iridescent layers to this stone.
It can stimulate intuition and psychic gifts including the art of "right timing".
Greyish with iridescent blue, yellow, green, and purple.
Which Chakra can I use Labradorite on?
Can be used with all Chakras, especially the higher Chakras.
Healing uses
Labradorite calms and overactive mind and is a useful companion through change, imparting strength and perseverance.
For a deeper dive into Crystals and their healing properties, Arte's Den would recommend "The Crystal Bible (Vol 1-3) by Judy Hall".